Onboarding Documents

Here's all you need to sign up!

Ready to take the roads with Gojek? The following are all the documents you need to complete your registration.

1. Front & back of NRIC

Front & back of NRIC

  1. Your IC must either be:
    1. Pink (Singaporeans)
    2. Blue (Permanent residents)
  2. Make sure that the photo is clear, all information on the card is legible, and all four corners of the card are visible.
    1-1_NRIC_front.jpeg 1-2_NRIC_back.jpeg

2. Front & back of driver’s licence

  1. We’ll accept only class 3/3A/3C/3CA driver's licences.
  2. Make sure that the date of issue is clear – we need to know you have at least 2 years of driving experience!

2-1_license_front.jpeg 2-2_license_back.jpeg

3. Front of Private Hire Driver Vocational Licence (PDVL) or Taxi Driver Vocational Licence (TDVL)

a. We’ll accept only valid PDVLs or TDVLs from LTA. b. Make sure that all information on the card is legible!


4. LTA vehicle log

a. Make sure that your vehicle log displays the following items: - Vehicle licence plate - Vehicle type as Z10/Z11/Z16/Z17 - Valid COE expiry date


5. Commercial insurance agreement

a. Your car must be commercially insured to drive with GOJEK. We accept 3 types of motor insurance:

-   Third party
-   Fire and theft
-   Comprehensive

b. Make sure that the licence plate number in your commercial insurance matches the one in your LTA vehicle log. c. Make sure the T&Cs of the policy are legible. d. Note: We can’t accept agreements that state the insurance "does not cover use for hire or reward".


6. Profile photo

  1. Make sure that your photo meets the following guidelines:

    • Must have a white background and be front-facing
    • Head not covered with a hat or cap, with ears shown
    • No lanyards
    • Upper torso only
    • No singlets
    • Must be sharp in contrast

7. Photo of front of vehicle

  1. Make sure your license plate number is visible

  2. Make sure your private hire car decal is visible


8. Photo of private hire car decal

  1. Make sure that the serial number and licence plate number on your decal is legible.


9. Bank statement

  1. Make sure that the photo of your bank statement includes the following:

    • Name as in NRIC
    • Bank name
    • Bank account number

10. Rental agreement

  1. Make sure that the following details are legible:
    • Hiree’s details: Name of owner/name of company
    • Hirer’s details: Name as per NRIC, NRIC or passport No., date of birth, contact details, driver’s licence details
    • Vehicle description: make and model, colour, licence plate number
    • Signature of hirer and rental company/owner of vehicle